Sunday, July 28, 2013

Guardian Angels and Intercessory Prayer

“THE angels must be entreated for us, who have been given us to guard us.” ~St. Ambrose:  Concerning Wisdom, 55.

“THE servants of Christ are protected by invisible, rather than visible, beings. But if these guard you, they do so because they have been summoned by your prayers.”
~St. Ambrose:  Sermo contra Auxent, 11.

"THEY are the guardians of the divisions of the earth; they are set over nations and regions allotted to them by their Creator. They govern all our affairs and bring us help. And the reason surely is because they are set over us by the divine will and command and are ever in the vicinity of God.”

~St. John of Damascus: Exposition of the Orthodox Faith, 2, 3.

The Congregation of the Archangels, by Angelos Akotantos.
Tempera on panel; Vatopediou Monastery, Mount Athos

“UNWORTHY as we are, we pray to you, O leaders of the heavenly hosts, to cover us by your prayers with the protection of the wings of your immaterial glory, preserving us who come to you and earnestly cry, Deliver us from sorrows, O chiefs of the powers above.”

~Byzantine Parakletike, Troparion for Monday, Tone 4.

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