Friday, August 28, 2015

Memorial of St. Augustine

August 28th: Memorial of St. Augustine (354-430), Bishop, Confessor and Doctor of the Church.

"AUGUSTINE, numbered among the four great Doctors of the Western Church, possessed one of the most penetrating minds of ancient Christendom. He was the most important Platonist of patristic times, the Church's most influential theologian, especially with regard to clarifying the dogmas of the Trinity, grace, and the Church. He was a great speaker, a prolific writer, a saint with an inexhaustible spirituality. His Confessions, a book appreciated in every age, describes a notable portion of his life (until 400), his errors, his battles, his profound religious observations. Famous too is his work The City of God, a worthy memorial to his genius, a philosophy of history. Most edifying are his homilies, especially those on the psalms and on the Gospel of St. John."

~Pius Parsch: excerpt from The Church's Year of Grace.

Polyptych of St. Augustine: St. Augustine, by Piero Della Francesca. 
Tempera on panel, c. 1465; Museu Nacional de Arte Antiga, Lisbon.

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